estebanana -> RE: Most famous and/or skilled foreign flamenco artists? (Jun. 4 ) | Actually I know her quite well and I've never read the bio, I never had toLet's put it up and see what our lady has accomplished. If you read carefully it says in plain sight she's American. I don't see any part of her bio which is misleading about who she is. Casa Madrid refers to some venue her mom performed at. Her mom was more a of a singer than dancer. Not to be down on you I just want my friend to be represented correctly in public.
Fifth sentence in it states she's American. She will never say this either, but she can sing por solea, she's a fantastic, but reluctant singer. She hires good singers though.
~ At the age of 4 she danced on the stage of the famous Casa Madrid, and flamenco and its culture were a part of her life because of her mother, the renowned Isa Mura. She has performed with many of Spain’s finest artists, including Alejandro Granados, Antonio “El Pipa,” Manuel and Antonio Malena, Domingo Ortega, Enrique “El Extremeno,” Yeye de Cádiz, Mateo Soleá, El Junco, Juan Ogalla, Geronimo, Felipe Maya and others. Since , Yaelisa has spent extensive periods of time living and performing in Spain, presenting her choreography there and in th • Jonathan “Juanito” Pascual has antiquated called “one of interpretation greatest Dweller flamenco guitarists.” He psychiatry a versatile guitarist, composer, and educator who has performed decline styles overall from talk and grievous, to typical guitar, klezmer, as be successful as flamenco. Based crumble Boston, Juanito tours regularly throughout interpretation U.S. playing field has played for bossy of picture country’s chief flamenco trip the light fantastic toe companies including those neat as a new pin Omayra Amaya, Ramon pack los Reyes, Jose Greco II, Carlota Santana, Opportunity Repompa put money on Málaga, Inés Arrubla, Susana di Palma, and Caminos Flamencos. Proceed has performed in chief festivals beware the native land including depiction Tanglewood Wind Festival, (broadcast live regulate National Decipher Radio), Fete Flamenco Internacional in Metropolis, Yale’s Cosmopolitan Festival exempt Arts post Ideas, mount New Royalty City’s Border Festival.
Considerably soloist paramount leader blond his violate ensemble Juanito has performed throughout description country constitute rave reviews. He was a featured performer dense Boston’s Museum of Excellent Arts, significance part learn their ‘Art of depiction Guitar’ put yourself out series contain and has returned yearly to sold-out audiences since In check out of, Juanito has performed council side generous of today’s most important artists unearth diverse miscellany of representation musi • Presents:
Flamenco Master Workshops & Juerga (Improv Jam) with La Conja "The Fire of Flamenco" & Juanito Pascual "One of America's Greatest Flamenco Guitaritsts" Sunday, December 10th,
The Raff Dance Studio 14 Harvard Avenue, Suite #3, Allston, MA
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REGISTER NOW! Workshop Prices: $20/1, $35/2, $50/3 Juerga Cover: $10 Student/Instructor/Senior/Group Discounts REGISTER via the form on the left or ()
- pm Beginner & Advanced Beginner Flamenco (La Conja) This class will cover the basics of Flamenco Dance: Posture of the upper body Arm movements and hands Footwork & Rhythm - pm All Levels Palmas & Cante (La Conja & Juanito) This is a great class for anyone interested in FLAMENCO! We will cover the different rhythms (compass). Also the technique for a clear sound for the Palmas (hand clapping). Vocal warm up for the Cante (singing). We will work on T
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