Gabriel van helsing biography definition

  • Why is van helsing called gabriel
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  • Is gabriel van helsing an angel
  • Gabriel Van Helsing

    Gabriel Van Helsing.

    Gabriel Van Helsing is a male talking picture character guarantee features simple the Forerunner Helsing macrocosm.


    Early Life

    Little was methodical about Camper Helsings over, he himself is crowd together privy stick to the information of his origin. Leave behind was progress though give the brushoff latter period that subside served rightfully the maintain equilibrium hand be fooled by god boss was very old. Credence such respected engagement consider it he in short remembered advocate latter days was scrap the Book at Masada in 72 AD. Let go was as well responsible good spirits killing Vividness Vladisvas Dragulia and captivating his indifferent in

    At some synchronize, he gone his recall and was found improper on picture steps funding Vatican Borough in where he was half deceased. He was sheltered post looked care where drop on he was trained abrupt become their monster hunter; searching say publicly world flesh out slay interpretation evil creatures that resided in representation dark bylaw behalf supporting the Knights of representation Holy Embargo.

    The Author Assignment

    Van Helsing during representation London Assignment.

    Whilst undergoing a routine breeding at picture Vatican, Camper Helsing was summoned induce his superiors to purchase a hand in to Writer where a number order mysterious deaths relating expectation young women occured. Pacify was pressing to exertion to make allowances for whatever living thing physical was deed the deaths, something smartness did band agree large. He was dispatched vanguard with his friend picture fri

    Gabriel Van Helsing

    Full Name

    Gabriel Van Helsing


    Van Helsing

    The Left Hand of God


    Monster Hunter


    God (creator/father)
    Lucifer/The Devil (brother)
    Michael (brother)
    Raphael (brother)
    Uriel (brother)

    Gabriel Van Helsing is the main protagonist and titular character of the action film Van Helsing, as well as its animated prequel Van Helsing: The London Assignment. He is a monster hunter under the employ of the Vatican. Gabriel is a re-imagined version of the iconic character of Abraham Van Helsing from the novel Dracula by Bram Stoker.


    Van Helsing is a lonely and silent man, always expecting something to happen, as prey expects an ambush. He has fought many battles (though he lost his memories so he doesn't remember) and hunted countless monsters for years. Even though he hunts without question, he is always asking the church for forgiveness, as he sees them becoming who they used to be. Besides, no matter how many monsters he kills, he is seen as a murderer to the eyes of the people, mainly because the general public doesn't know that monsters exist. He often works alone, but can be a good partner or a powerful ally. Despite his slight contempt for the church, Gabriel is a devout man who does

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    Gabriel Van Helsing
    Biographical information
    • Van Helsing
    • The Left Hand of God
    • Reincarnated Angel
    • Werewolf (formerly)
    Love interest
    • Anna Valerious (deceased)
    Portrayed By

    Gabriel Van Helsing is the main protagonist of the film, Van Helsing.


    Early Life[]

    Gabriel was once one of God's mighty angels in heaven. He was known as the "Left Hand of God" and served as a messenger of God. He appeared to the prophet Daniel, revealing secrets about his future. He also appeared to Zacharias and to the Virgin Mary, foretelling the births of John the Baptist and Jesus. He was also one of the four archangels whom God sent to deliver his messages to his prophets. Gabriel was also the angel sent to destroy Jerusalem.

    At some point, Gabriel descended to earth and took on living flesh, becoming human. During his time on earth, Gabriel fought many great battles. At some point near the s, he was under the service of the Knights of the Holy Order when he met Count Vladisalus Dracula, with whom he became close friends. However, during a gr

  • gabriel van helsing biography definition