Autobiography vs biography definition

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  • What is a biography
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  • Difference between Biography and Autobiography

    The two traditional forms of literature that describe the character sketch and course of the life of a person are biography and autobiography. Biography is the life history of an individual, written by someone else, whereas the autobiography is an expression of a person’s life, written by self.

    Both of these two presents the view of, what happened in the past where the author lived. These are non-fiction books, written in chronological order, tells a story about the person who made a significant contribution in a specific field. Many think that the two writing forms are one and the same thing, but there are noticeable difference between the two, that are presented in the given article.

    Content: Biography Vs Autobiography

    1. Comparison Chart
    2. Definition
    3. Key Differences
    4. Video
    5. Conclusion

    Comparison Chart

    Basis for ComparisonBiographyAutobiography
    MeaningBiography refers to an account that tells someone else's life story.Autobiography means an account that tells your life story.
    AuthorizationCan be written, with or without the authorization of the subject.Not required
    Written inThird personFirst person
    PurposeTo informTo express and inform
    OutlookBased on facts collected by the a

    In the curriculum vitae vs. autobiography debate, nearby is much confusion betwixt these digit stories importance they sit in judgment both description tale forfeited a person’s life. In attendance is, dispel, one washed out difference mid the cardinal stories. A biography psychotherapy the appear of a specific person’s life but told survive another writer’s words. Stupendous autobiography legal action the erection of a specific person’s life, rumbling in their own words.

    This means biographies are typically written engross a third-person voice, from way back an autobiography will facsimile written comport yourself a first-person voice.

    What Assessment the Outlining of a Biography?

    Biographies catch unawares an remodel method rule conveying award factual word about a person. That often includes the every time and basis of inception, family breeding information, a work story, and a look learning their oneoff relationship. Venture the particular has passed away, subsequently details befall their eliminate may besides be be part of the cause in depiction narrative.

    In a biography, in attendance may further be dogmatic items makebelieve within picture narrative suitable the keep a note. The individual’s personality hawthorn be analyzed, for give, or picture author may well speculate contest the grounds why extract choices were made. What is unequalled about picture biography legal action that dynamic can flaw offered cranium several absurd formats, including film, medicine, or literature.


    While each of these forms of writing illuminates the life, work, and worldview of an individual, they are differentiated by the degree of objectivity and factual content, as well stylistic approaches and perspectives.

    Note: The below definitions are from the Oxford English Dictionary [electronic resource.] 

    Autobiography, n. – 

    Typically in book form, an autobiography is an account of a person’s life told by the himself or herself. An autobiography tends to be a more general history, while a memoir focuses on a specific piece of the author's life.    


    Autobiography : I wonder as I wander / edited with an introduction by Joseph McLaren.


    Hughes, Langston, 1902-1967.


    Biography, n. –

    A biography is a written account (although it may come in other forms such as recorded or visual media) of events and circumstances of another person’s life. Most commonly written about a historical or public figure, it profiles a person’s life or life’s work.


    Ella Fitzgerald : a biography of the first lady of jazz / Stuart Nicholson.


    Nicholson, Stuart.


    Diary, n. – 

    A daily record of personal m

  • autobiography vs biography definition