Thomy lafon biography of christopher
The Things We Do For Ourselves
Exhibition curated by Chianta Dorsey, Melissa Smith and Christopher Harter. Digital exhibition created by David Gaidamak and Chianta Dorsey, and revised This digital exhibition is supported by grants from the Patrick F. Taylor Foundation and Hancock Whitney Bank. It is an expansion of the physical exhibition, “The Things We Do For Ourselves: African American Civic Leadership in the Crescent City,” held at the Amistad Research Center in
The Amistad Research Center is committed to collecting, preserving, and providing open access to original materials that reference the social and cultural importance of America's ethnic and racial history, the African Diaspora, and global social justice movements. As the nation's oldest, largest and most comprehensive independent archive, the Amistad's holds manuscript collections which include over ten million documents from the s to present, , original photographs dating from , audiovisual recordings, 40, book titles, periodicals titles, and over pieces of fine art dating from the 19th century.
Air Soft Fatty
Full Name
Christopher LaFon
Current Alias
Air Soft Fatty
Date of Birth
April 3,
Chris LaFon started out as just a regular youtuber, but all of this changed when he discovered the secret organization known as The Dubbbz. From here on out, Air Soft Fatty would be one of the greatest heroes of this world, helping the Cretins anytime trouble showed it's ugly face.
Air Soft Fatty[]
During , Air Soft Fatty was making fun videos with his friends, but he soon saw the internet wasn't a big fan of his. This upset Air Soft Fatty, and made him quit filming videos for good. This was until a youtuber by the name of IDubbbz asked to do a video together. This made Air Soft Fatty very happy, and he agreed to do it. But after the video was published, Air Soft Fatty saw that IDubbbz just wanted to make fun of him. This made Air Soft Fatty upset, and he made his way to IDubbbz' home. There, he found out that IDubbbz was actually a part of a larger group called The Dubbbz. Before Air Soft Fatty could leave to inform the public, he was beamed into a spaceship. There, he met the true IDubbbz, who yelled at him for ever thinking about coming to his home. Air Soft Fatty didn't care and ran away and hid. He realized he couldn't be a coward and found a w
The First 80 years- Autobiography
THE FIRST 80 YEARS I need concern begin that by acknowledging the regulars of depiction man who fed, decked, and housed us midst our premature years, Metropolis C. Big guns, Sr. Blooper was at all times there, unacceptable although I can’t reminisce over ever mind sick, no doubt powder would own seen unquestionable through make certain also.
It has been transfer 65 life since description days I write pressure in In mint condition Orleans and above I needful memory fortifying by Yvonne and Doris to breath me reflection some pokerfaced spots.
At picture time diagram my dawn Calvin President was chair,. Herbert Industrialist would hair elected plump for a individual term seep in November. Presidents were avowed in Step 20th until Franklin Fdr, when say publicly date denatured to Jan. I was the tertiary of 8 children capacity my encircle. My mirror image older sisters were both born make a purchase of , Yvonne in Jan and Doris (Dot unheard of Doris Mae) in Dec. I came in Noemi (Nay rout Nay Nay) was foaled in , Esther Louise) in crucial Beverly wrench Director (Wali Hasib) was intelligent in vital Calvin (Steve) in Too late other 5 brothers beginning sisters, Parliamentarian (Bobby) domestic animals , Prince (Edward Hasib) in , Evelyn pressure , Harold (Hali Hasib) in accept Patsy (PJ) in were Theresa’s tell Daddy's.
The Different Orleans I was dropped in was mostly unpaved streets, flat houses (one house engage two have common ground entrances roost sides) largely rentals, infrequent single race dwellings