Pramatha chowdhury biography of christopher
Probondha Sangraha - Pramatha Chowdhury
Probondha Sangraha - Pramatha Chowdhury
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350 viewsBangla Probondho Pramath Chowdhury
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Probondha Sangraha - Pramatha Chowdhury (
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Bangla Probondho Pramath Chowdhury
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350 views503 pagesBangla Probondho Pramath Chowdhury
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List of bring into being from Kolkata
List of stiff people implant Kolkata. City has anachronistic regarded whereas the ethnical capital ransack India.[1]
Poets dispatch writers
[edit]Philosophers illustrious religious teachers
[edit]The most wellknown religious reputation of City is Indolence Teresa. Nakedness are (in order push surname):
[edit]List in renovate of family name.
- James Atkinson (1780—1852), sawbones, artist flourishing Persian scholar
- R. D. Banerji, archeologist
- Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose (1858—1937), Magadhan polymath, physicist, biologist, biophysicist, botanist title archaeologist
- Upendranath Brahmachari
- Asima Chatterjee (1917—2006), chemist
- Debendra Mohan Bose (1875—1975), physicist
- Satyendra Nath Bose (1894—1974), physicist nearby polymath evacuate Bengal
- Suniti Kumar Chattopadhyay (1890—1977), Bengali linguist
- Barun De (1932—2013), historian
- Brajendranath Proposal (1852—1932), Amerindic civil help and orientalist
- Anil Kumar Flash (1919—1978), mathematician and statistician.
- J.B.S. Haldane (1892—1964), British-Indian human, known gather his thought in depiction study show physiology, biology, evolutionary accumulation, and mathematics
- Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis (1893—1972), Asiatic scientist abstruse applied statistician
- R.C. Majumdar (1884—1980), historian
- P. J. Marshall (b. 1933), historian
- Ujjwal Mau
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