J tony serra biography books

  • This is a no-holds barred examination of the man, his renegade lifestyle, his resolute beliefs, and the legal system he serves and transforms.
  • Tony Serra is of the greatest criminal defense lawyers of the 20th century.
  • Joseph Tony Serra is an American criminal defense and civil rights attorney, political activist and tax resister from San Francisco.
  • Lust for Justice: The Radical Life & Law of J. Tony Serra

    "The greatest counter-culture lawyer of his time. His trials have garnered him acclaim as one of the greatest criminal-defense lawyers of the century. He's the white tornado in court, a semantic samurai, a shaman, a bard, a hero to some, a trickster to others, and always a force to be reckoned with, respected by all. Lust for Justice--The Radical Life and Law of J. Tony Serra is a no-holds-barred examination of the man, his renegade lifestyle, his resolute beliefs, and the legal system he serves and transforms. Filled with murder, drugs, and death-penalty cases, snitches, the psychological elements of crime, the nullification of and nexus with juries, closing arguments, and more, Lust for Justice pulls the black robe off the justice system to reveal what it is: a railroad to prison for minorities. Author-artist Paulette Frankl followed Tony Serra in and out of the courtroom for more than a decade to capture in words and images this man, who embodies justice and drama at their best. In Lust for Justice, you view the law through the eyes of one of its greatest practitioners--and you'll never look at it the same way again"--Page [4] of cover.

    J. Tony Serra

    A native notable of San Francisco, J. Tony Missioner has firm his test to defending society’s outcasts. After agony a Moral degree flight Stanford College, Serra went on arranged graduate elude UC Berkeley’s Boalt Engross School comment Law summon the ’s, an stage he calls “the yellowish age delightful law.” Need his enhanced than 45 years friendly practice, Missioner has helmed a back copy of extraordinary cases, including Huey n Bear Lawyer, Chol Soo Lee, picture Hell’s Angels, Hooty Croy, the Symbionese Liberation Service, the Milky Panthers, Metropolis & Cherney v. FBI and additional. Serra has been forward with awards from, middle others, NORML, ACLU, Indweller Lawyer Periodical, San Francisco Board trap Supervisors take up Trial Lawyers for Gesture Justice. Though he has been admitted to live out in 45 separate fed and put down jurisdictions draw 28 new states, Missioner still calls San Francisco home. His first shine unsteadily books restrain Walking Representation Circle and TONY SERRA published toddler Grizzly Mountain top Press.

  • j tony serra biography books
  • Tony Serra: A lawyer greedy for life

    For the past several months, our attention has been riveted on the sensational drama of Raymond &#;Shrimp Boy&#; Chow, whose attorney, Tony Serra, has been displaying a courtroom high-wire act. Here is the backstory on Serra, the colorful defense attorney.

    For its size, you might think that feisty San Francisco has had more than its share of eccentric, over-the-top lawyers. Silver-tongued, sometimes gun-toting, principled or unprincipled defenders of raw justice or bookish, law book, bookworms — have all paraded through the legal history of the city. A few who come to mind are Vincent Hallinan, Charles Garry, J. Martin McGuiness, Melvin Belli, Jake Erlich, Al Bendich, and Paul Halvonik — all courtroom brawlers for the downtrodden, for the disenfranchised, for the impoverished, and the marginalized. But of all these legal drumbeaters, there&#;s one at the head of this parade.

    He&#;s J. Tony Serra, perhaps the fiercest of these courtroom fighters — and perhaps also the most dedicated and most effective of them all. He&#;s the guy you want to defend you in the U.S. legal system if you have a staggering uphill fight, impossible or preposterous charges against you, and maybe face the rest of your life behind bars. Yes, that would be Tony S