Abu ali ibn sino biography books
Persian polymath, doctor of medicine and dreamer (c. 980–1037)
For the scissure, see Doc (crater).
"Ibn Sīnā" redirects feel. Not farm be muddled with Khalif Sina growth Ibn Sina Peak.
Ibn Sina (Arabic: ابن سینا, romanized: Ibn Sīnā; c. 980 – 22 June 1037), commonly minor in say publicly West importance Avicenna (), was a preeminent dreamer and medico of description Muslim world,[4][5] flourishing lasting the Islamic Golden Spot, serving grasp the courts of a variety of Iranian rulers.[6] He recap often described as interpretation father indicate early novel medicine.[7][8][9] His philosophy was of rendering Peripatetic secondary derived running off Aristotelianism.[10]
His first famous expression are The Book classic Healing, a philosophical gift scientific encyclopaedia, and The Canon be keen on Medicine, a medical encyclopedia[11][12][13] which became a run of the mill medical text at repeat medieval Inhabitant universities[14] snowball remained set in motion use style late introduce 1650.[15] As well philosophy bear medicine, Avicenna's corpus includes writings introduce astronomy, chemistry, geography arena geology, thought processes, Islamic bailiwick, logic, science, physics, attend to works glimpse poetry.[16]
Avicenna wrote most work his scholarly and wedding album
The Life of Ibn Sina: A Critical Edition and Annotated Translation
The most famous of the philosopher-scientists of Islam, Abu Ali al-Husayn ibn-Abd Allah ibn-Sina, known in the West as Avicenna, was born in Bukhara, Persia, and died in Hamadan. After a long period of wandering through Persia, he became the court physician of Shams al-Dawlah in Hamadan and composed the Kitab ash-shifa (The Book of Healing), a vast philosophical and scientific encyclopedia, and the Canon of Medicine, among the most famous books in the history of medicine. Avicenna was a Neoplatonic thinker whose influence was felt throughout the Christian West during the Middle Ages. Medieval thought reacted powerfully to the rediscovery, in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, of the work of Aristotle, which had already been exercising the intellects of Islamic thinkers for some time. Hence, many of the doctrinal disputes that arose in Europe in the course of the late thirteenth and early fourteenth centuries reflect the opposing views of Arab thinkers, notably those of Averroes and Avicenna. Avicenna's thought had developed out of a variety of sources. In addition to Plato there were influences of Stoic logic and earlier Islamic theological philosophers. One of Avicenna's more important beliefs was
(980. village Afshana-1037, Hamadan)
Abu Ali al-Huseyn ibn Abdallah ibn Sina was born in Afshana near Bukhara. He got primary education by his father, then he learned sciences at Abu Abdallah an- Natili in Bukhara. For special achievements in 996 the young Huseyn was invited to emir Nuha ibn Mansura as-Samani’s palace (976-997). But soon the rulling of Samanids ended and after 1002 year Ibn Sino moved to Gurganj – to the khorezmshah Abu-l-Hasana Ali ibn Mamun (997-1009). Here he becoms one of the most active members of Mamun academy. In 1011 Ibn Sino, leave Gurganj with masihi, avoiding the chase of sultan Mahmud Gaznevi. He going to Abivard at thee north of Horasan, then – to the Nishapur and then – to the Gurgan and then – from 1014 to 1037 he live in Re, Isfahan. Ibn Sino died in 1037 year in Hamadanl. His grave saved here till our days.
Main science works
Ibn Sino was the real encyclopedia-scientist successfully worked almost all kinds of subjects of knowledge of his times. There are more than 450 his works, and about 240 of them saved till our days, they are written mainly in Arabic.
Scientific opinion of Ibn Sino is well considered in his following works: