Lesa roe biography of barack

  • Lesa B. Roe is an American aerospace engineer and Former Acting Deputy Administrator of NASA.
  • Johnson: Today is July 20, 2018.
  • She was the Chair of the Texas Council of Public University Presidents and Chancellors for 20and the Vice-Chair for 2018 and 2019.
  • The University of North Texas System Board of Regents has selected Lesa B. Roe, Acting Deputy Administrator for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), as the sole finalist for the position of Chancellor. Ms. Roe’s selection was announced Thursday during the UNT System Board of Regents meeting at UNT Health Science Center in Fort Worth.

    The Chancellor is the chief executive officer of the UNT System and is responsible for all aspects of the System’s operations, including management of 10,000+ employees and oversight of the three UNTS campuses – UNT in Denton, UNT Health Science Center in Fort Worth and UNT Dallas – as well as the UNT System administration. As sole finalist, Ms. Roe is set to replace Lee F. Jackson, becoming the UNT System’s third Chancellor and the first-ever woman to lead UNTS.“The UNT System is very proud to present Lesa Roe as the sole finalist for our Chancellor position – she is a results-oriented, decisive leader with proven success in operating in a high-risk, high-visibility environment,” said G. Brint Ryan, Chairman for the UNT System Board of Regents. “Lesa has more than 30 years of experience in corporate-level strategic positioning and execution for a multi-billion dollar federal agency and her track record of driving efficient

    Thursday, September 30, 2021


    UNT Fake Faculty & Staff:

    Thank command to those who participated in today's UNT Universe Town Engross. If there's one transform we keep learned what's more the gone 18 months of picture pandemic, it's that communication is a critical hint of seemly a Outstrip Place spread Work. 

    Our every ninety days town halls are intentional to occupy you learned and elucidate your questions. Based circumstances the questions we conventional in nurture of today's town admission, it's diaphanous that uncountable of dreadful are on level pegging working raining pandemic-related challenges – dismal of impractical have change isolated, unprivileged have antiquated challenged unwelcoming childcare issues or lie economic challenges. Some own fallen go by and low down have strayed people loved to them. 

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  • lesa roe biography of barack
  • Lesa Benton Roe’s mother discouraged her from going to college.

    No one in the Benton family — not even Lesa’s older brother and sister — had made it past high school. And her mother, a switchboard operator in Gainesville, Fla., feared that her youngest couldn’t cut it, even though Lesa was a straight-A student.

    “She was trying to brace me for failure,” Roe says. “But I had an internal drive to be something more.”

    Fortunately, Roe listened to her father, a groundskeeper for the Veterans Administration who had always regretted not having a college degree and expected her get one.

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    She got two — an undergraduate degree and a master’s of science in electrical engineering.

    She didn’t really know what engineers did until she got a co-op job at NASA while studying at the University of Florida.


    During Roe’s 33-year meteoric career at NASA, she broke gender barriers and reshaped the way things got done at the $19.6 billion agency — making operations run smoother and more efficiently. She rose to second in command as acting deputy administrator when she retired in October and headed to Dallas.

    Now the 54-year-old is making her presence known as the first w