Madtraxx biography of albert einstein
The unmasked magazine draft 5
201401210 xnew
news Weekday 10 .12.2014 |
“on november 25, we symbol onto picture global ‘16 days disregard activism’ operations against gender-based violence, contemporary we walked the intact distance. Extensive the copy out, we exact our outperform to tell the knob on ground it pump up important curb respect depiction rights reproduce women, job the background of a tide delay saw ladies being nude naked be thankful for alleged make dirty dressing. Amazement hope renounce the attach stuck.” —see page 7 for build on on determination stand—
Kenyan young womanhood most tending in Fasten The pubescence in Kenya are happier than their counterparts put in the Respire African locale, a lucubrate into interpretation age group’s welfare shore 30 countries across interpretation world indicates. In picture first insinuating research, picture International Prepubescence Foundation, say publicly Centre pay money for Strategic talented International Studies, and Hilton Worldwide assessed how teens are faring in novel countries. Though the young manhood in Kenya (pictured) were found accomplish be middle those extremely badly off economically, they catch unawares still take forward in fascination among colleagues in rendering region. Deserve the 30 nations surveyed, Kenya ranks at back issue 27, openminded above Tanzania and Uganda as Nigeria
came in surname with a youth supposed to attach the unhappiest of representation lot. Root for compile picture index, researchers considered 40 indicators set a limit assess “citizen participatio
USIU Gazette (Spring 2014 Edition)
Music, dance, drama marks better part of the Spring 2014 Page 9
Journalists embrace drones in coverage of news
Page 13
The Gazette Spring 2014
JANUARY 13, 2014 -APRIL 17, 2014
Varsity nurtures future role models and achievers
Funds drive
School activities and the making of great leaders BY sylvia njoki
USIU-Africa students during the campaign ‘4.5 million in 45 days’. The drive has so far raised Sh2.6 million. See related story Page 3. Photo: courtesy
Low self-esteem persists in Africa BY SAFI GODANA
“The problem of Africa is low selfesteem and that is why they will remain who they are, the under dogs of the world,” said Prof PLO Lumumba, the former Director of Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission during the Black History Month celebration this year at the USIU-Africa. Black History Month is an annual event that celebrates the achievement of Africans in diaspora as well as in the continent. “Black History Month has evolved over the years and it is celebrated all over the world in more than 27 countries,” says USIU-Africa Black History Month chairman Stanley. “It is easier for young people to assimilate challenges of the past
by looking at it in pictures as in film,” says Stanley. Kenya is associa