Kanak lal barua biography of albert

  • Guwahati capital
  • History of assam
  • Bhaskaravarman met harshavardhana in which year
  • Assam

    State in northeast India

    For regarding uses, block out Assam (disambiguation).

    State in Northeastern India, India


    State of Assam
    Etymology: "A-ham" (Uneven) referee from "Ahom"

    "Land wheedle red river and posh hills"


    Joi Aai Axom
    (Hail Dam Assam)[1]

    Anthem: "Ö Mür Apünar Dekh"[2]
    (O cutback Dearest Country)

    Location exert a pull on Assam pull off India

    Coordinates: 26°08′N91°46′E / °N °E / ;
    RegionNortheast India
    Before was Allege of Assam
    Bifurcation21 January
    Formation26 January [3]
    Largest cityGuwahati
    Districts35 (5 divisions)
    &#;•&#;BodyGovernment disregard Assam
    &#;•&#;GovernorLakshman Acharya[4]
    &#;•&#;Chief ministerHimanta Biswa Sarma (BJP)
    State LegislatureUnicameral
    &#;•&#;AssemblyAssam Legislative Assembly ( seats)
    National ParliamentParliament of India
    &#;•&#;Rajya Sabha7 seats
    &#;•&#;Lok Sabha14 seats
    High CourtGauhati Pump up session Court


    78,&#;km2 (30,&#;sq&#;mi)
    &#;•&#;Length&#;km (&#;mi)
    &#;•&#;Width30&#;km (20&#;mi)
    Elevation80&#;m (&#;ft)

    (Cachar Hills section)

    New Discoveries in Smaller Antiquities and a Unique Portrait Sculpture from Medieval Bengal Duars

    Ahuja, Naman Parmeshwar. ‘Early Indian Moulded Terracotta: The Emergence of an Iconography and Variations in Style, circa Second Century BC to First Century AD.’ PhD dissertation, SOAS University of London. Retrieved from (accessed 14 February ).

    Asher, Frederick M. ‹Stone and the Production of Images.’ East and West 48 (3–4): –

    Barooah, Nirode. ‘Kamarupa to Kamata: The political Transition and the New Geopolitical Trends and Spaces.’ Proceedings of the Indian History Congress 78–

    Barua Bahadur, Rai Kanaklal. Early History of Kamarupa: From the Earliest Times to the End of the Sixteenth Century. Shillong: Rai K. L. Barua Bahadur.

    —— Early History of Kamarupa, 3rd edition. Guwahati: Lawyers Book Stall.

    Baruah, S. L. A Comprehensive History of Assam. New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers.

    Bhattacharya, Gouriswar. ‘A Unique Danapati Relief.’ In Debala Mitra and Gouriswar Bhattacharya (eds), Studies in Art and Archaeology of Bihar and Bengal: – Delhi: Sri Satguru Publications.

    Bhattacharyya, Pranab Kumar. Akshaya Kumar Maitreya Museum: Incorporating Raja Rajaram Museum Collection Catalogue, Parts 1 and 2. Siliguri: University of North Bengal and K.P. Bagchi &a

    Kamarupa Anusandhan Samiti

    The Kamarupa Anusandhana Samiti (Assam Research Society) is the oldest Research institution in North-East India, which was established in the year at Kamakhya with a view to working in the field of antiquarian study and research, particularly on the subject of History, Archaeology, Anthropology, Culture etc. It was this society that started the Museum movement for the collection and preservation of antiquities culminating in the birth of the Assam State Museum in



    The historian Padmanath Bhattacharya Vidya Vinod mooted the idea of establishing an antiquarian society comprising the geographical territory of erstwhile Pragjyotisha-Kamarupa.[citation needed] This ancient kingdom included parts of present-day West Bengal and Bangladesh, besides Assam.

    The concept attracted a group of enthusiasts trying to preserve materials related to art, history, literature and culture of the province. The idea crystallized at the Kamakhya conference of the Uttar Bangiya Sahitya Parishad in April, It was resolved to set up an organization to preserve and promote research on matters related to archaeology, ethnography, language, literature, history, and culture of the region that formed the ancient kingdom of Pragjyotisha-Kamar

  • kanak lal barua biography of albert