Gorg peresso biography of albert
The Interviewees
Interview with Giorgio Peresso, September 2024
1- How long have you been working on the Malta archives on the Smyrna 1922 refugee and what sort of numbers of peoples we are talking about and what a mixture of ethnicities involved such as Levantines, Greeks (and those with British passports), Armenians?
For most of my youth, I lived in a house bequeathed to the Maltese nation by a Greek philanthropist from Salonika, Giovanni di Nicolò Pappaffy (1792-18861). Pappaffy established a fund for the promotion of emigration to Greece. During the early seventies, I used to visit Greece frequently and many of my contacts were of Smirniot origin. Smyrna and the saga of the refugees remained at the back of my mind ever since. I have been researching this theme for the past 15 years. However, when at a mature age I graduated Masters in History my focus then was about two Italian journalists who sought refuge in Malta during the Mussolini years2. The issue about refugees is an important topic in the history of Malta. During the Risorgimento years Malta was home for patriots who opposed against the autocratic regimes ruling Italian states by using Malta as their base. The advent of the Italo-Turkish War in 1911 provoked a wave of refugees flocking to Malta with 1300
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- Magri, Manwel, 1851-19071
- Mahfuz, Najib, 1911-2006. Al-Sukkariyya1
- Mahfuz, Najib, 1911-2006. Bayn al-Qasrayn1
- Mahfuz, Najib, 1911-2006. Qasr al-Shawq1
- Mahoney, Josephine, 1932-1
- Mahoney, Josephine, 1932- . O zmien helu : il-palk, ir-radju u jien -- Criticism and interpretation1
- Mallia, Gorg, 1957-2
- Mallia, Mary Rose, 1953-1
- Malta -- Biography1
- Malta -- Economic conditions1
- Malta -- Encyclopedias1
- Malta -- Foreign relations5
- Malta -- History93
- Malta -- History -- 1964-2
- Malta -- History -- 870-15301
- Malta -- History -- British occupation, 1800-196457
- Malta -- History -- Byzantine rule, 535-8701
- Malta -- History -- Classical period, 218 B.C.-535 A.D.1
- Malta -- History -- Independence, 196429
- Malta -- History -- Inquisition, 1561-17981
- Malta -- History --
Republic Day 2018 | Honours and Awards
• Tonio Borg
Tonio Borg was a Member of the Maltese Parliament for twenty years (between 1992 and 2012). Borg was Leader of the House of Representatives (2004-2012), Minister for Home Affairs (1995-1996 and 1998-2008), Minister for Justice (2003-2008) and Minister for Foreign Affairs (2008-2012). Between 2003 and 2012, Borg was also Deputy Leader of the Nationalist Party, and in 2012 he was appointed European Commissioner for Health, a role which he filled up to 2014.
Between 1990 and 1995, Tonio Borg was also a member of the Council of Europe’s Committee on the Prevention of Torture. Borg practiced as a lawyer between 1980 and 1995 and between 1996 and 1998, specialising in the field of human rights.
He currently lectures on Public Law at the University of Malta.
• John Dalli
Born in 1946, John Dalli is mostly known for his political activism. After his father’s demise, John Dalli followed in his footsteps and pursued a political career, and also took up his father’s work as a contractor. Amongst the various building projects, Dalli took over the finishing of the GWU building in Valletta as well as the Rinella water tank, which even nowadays is still an important