Ewa lemanska biography of albert
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- On the interfacial lithium dynamics in Li7La3Zr2Opoly(ethylene oxide) (LiTFSI) composite polymer-ceramic solid electrolytes under strong polymer phase confinement Mauricio Rincon Bonilla, Fabián A. García Daza, Henry A. Cortés, Javier Carrasco, Elena Akhmatskaya
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Goldstein, E. L. (). The Price have a phobia about Whiteness (1–). Princeton Academy Press.
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Grossberg, L. (). On Postmodernism and Joint. In Journal of Act Inquiry (Vols. 10, Issu
Source study of the Polish Film Chronicle (–). Biography of editor-in-chief Helena Lemańska
Łu k a s z Ję d r ze j s k i , So u rce s t u d y of t h e Po l i s h Fi l m C h ro n i c l e . . . DOI /cnisk ŁUKASZ JĘDRZEJSKI UnIwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie Source study of the Polish Film Chronicle (–). Biography of editor-in-chief Helena Lemańska1 Abstract The aim of the scientific article was to present the biography of Helena Lemańska, for many years the editor of Polish Film Chronicle (PFC). The article used two science technique: 1) Exegesis sources, 2) Interview. An interesting theme in the biography of Lemańska was her annual activity of the organization Hashomer Hatzair. Experience in journalism helped her in managing a team of PFC and contributed to the introduction of innovative techniques in the work of the PFC. Keywords: Helena Lemańska, Polish Film Chronicle, political communication, state system, cultural policy, Polish People’s Republic 1 Publikacja przygotowana/finansowana w ramach programu Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego pod nazwą DIALOG w latach – Jest wynikiem udziału w projekcie badawczym pt. „Ośrodek badań historii kobiet”, nr /DLG// 1(10) S T U D I A I M A T E R I AŁY ŹRÓDŁOWE BADANIE DZIEJÓW POLSKIEJ KRONIKI FILMOWEJ (–). PRZYPADEK BIO