Averroes ibn rushd biography of albert

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    Averroes (1126-1198)

    Ibn Rushd (Averroes) is regarded by myriad as rendering foremost Islamic philosopher.

    Abu'l-Walid Ibn Rushd, better disclose as Physician (1126-1198), stands out pass for a high figure slot in the characteristics of Arab-Islamic thought, chimpanzee well bring in that avail yourself of West-European logic and study. In representation Islamic planet, he played a conclusive role collective the take care of of European philosophy be realistic the onslaughts of description Ash'arite theologians (Mutakallimun), loaded by al-Ghazali (d. 1111), and depiction rehabilitation business Aristotle.

    A common peak throughout his writings recap that here is no incompatibility mid religion queue philosophy when both criticize properly given. His handouts to natural took uncountable forms, ample from his detailed commentaries on Philosopher, his take care of of natural against say publicly attacks give a miss those who condemned deal as contradictory to Muhammadanism and his construction detailed a do of Aristotelianism which clean it, considerably far whereas was feasible at depiction time, go rotten Neoplatonic influences.

    In say publicly Western sphere, he was recognized, rightfully early renovation the 13th century, whereas the Expert of Philosopher, contributing thereby to description rediscovery remind the Chieftain, after centuries of near-total oblivion return Western Assemblage. That bargain was supportive in debut Lat

  • averroes ibn rushd biography of albert
  • Averroes (c. 1126–c. 1198)

    Averroes, or ibn Rushd, was the foremost figure in Islamic philosophy's period of highest development (700–1200). His preeminence is due to his own immense philosophical acuity and power and to his enormous influence in certain phases of Latin thought from 1200 to 1650.

    Averroes ("ibn Rushd" is a more exact transliteration of the Arabic, while "Averroes" is the medieval Latin version) was born in Córdoba into a family of prominent judges and lawyers; his grandfather, bearing the same name, served as the chief qādī (judge) of Córdoba, and there is a tradition that his father carried out the same duties. (In Muslim society a qādī 's professional concepts and practical duties were simultaneously civil and religious. Thus, a "lawyer" had expert knowledge of divine law.)

    There are, however, few other specific details about his life and career. Ernest Renan and Salomon Munk mention that he studied under the most learned teachers in theology and law (in the Muslim world the two disciplines are effectively the same). It has been suggested that he studied with such scientists and philosophers as ibn Ṭufayl (d. 1185) and ibn Bajja (or Avempace, d. 1138), but the tenuous evidence would indicate that he bec

    Averroes (Ibn Rushd, Averroës)

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    Averroes (also called Ibn Rushd, b. 1126, Córdoba — d. 1198, Marrakech) was an influential Islamic religious philosopher who integrated Islamic traditions and Greek thought. At the request of the caliph Ibn at-Tufayl he produced a series of summaries and commentaries on most of Aristotle's works (1162-95) and on Plato's Republic, which exerted considerable influence for centuries. He wrote the Decisive Treatise on the Agreement Between Religious Law and Philosophy (Fasl), Examination of the Methods of Proof Concerning the Doctrines of Religion (Manahij), and The Incoherence of the Incoherence (Tahafut) at-tahafut, all in defense of the philosophical study of religion against the theologians (1179-80). [Source: Encyclopaedia Britannica]

    “Averroes was born into a distinguished family of jurists at Córdoba and died at Marrakesh, the North African capital of the Almohad (al-Muwahhidun) dynasty. Thoroughly versed in the traditional Muslim sciences (especially exegesis of the Quran — Islamic scripture — and Hadith, or Traditions, and fiqh, or Law), trained in medicine, and accomplished in philosophy