Hemanta rana biography of abraham lincoln

  • I am Hemant Singh Rana, a Journalist and certified Competent Communicator.
  • Abraham Lincoln was 6'4 feet tall and was slim and tall, yet he was physically powerful.
  • Good Morning ☀️.
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  • hemanta rana biography of abraham lincoln
  • Abraham Lincoln

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    From 1861 to 1865, Abraham Lincoln served as the 16th President of the United States of America. Slavery was abolished by him in America thanks to his initiatives. He thought that all people, irrespective of race or ethnicity, were equal and that there was no difference between them. He was born into a low-income black community. This article will discuss the biography of this dynamic and influential personality in detail.

    Abraham Lincoln Birth

    In Hardin County, Kentucky(USA), Abraham Lincoln was born. His father, Thomas, was a strong and dedicated man who opened the path for others and was well-liked in society. During the property dispute, Lincoln and his family were forced to relocate from Kentucky to Perry County, Indiana, in 1817, where they struggled to earn a living. Still, Thomas ultimately purchased a plot of land.

    On October 5, 1818, at 34, Abraham's mother died when he was just nine years old. His life was shattered at the moment also the distance between Abraham with his father was getting increased, so he worked hard. Thomas married Sarah Bush Johnson, a widow with three children, in December 1819, a year after her first wife's death. She was a powerful and kind lady who had a deep relationship with Abraham. Although neither of t

    Hello friends, I am Hemant Singh Rana, a Journalist and certified Competent Communicator. I have spent more than a decade on the editorial desk of leading national newspapers and magazines, rewriting and rephrasing news reports and making them grammatically fit for publication. But that’s not important. What’s important is my love for English language and the happiness that I derive from teaching it to as many people as I can to help them become effective communicators; and EnlivenEnglish is the outpouring of this love and happiness.

    I am a firm believer in the concept of sharing. “The more we share, the more we get; the more we open ourselves to the world, the more good things we attract for ourselves”. I have experienced it, that’s why I can say it assertively.  EnlivenEnglish is, therefore, not just a channel but a medium to share with you all the experience and knowledge that I have gained over the years from the close association with the language.

    I need not mention a good command of the language opens the door to innumerable opportunities. English can be your doorway to success too, provided you are at home with it. This can only be possible if you are in touch with the soul of English, which is GRAMMAR. There’s a big misconception that fluency is more imp