Berit kjos biography of abraham

  • Berit Kjos is a respected researcher, the author of many books and magazine articles, and a concerned parent (and grandparent) who has.
  • Abraham didn't exist?
  • A reactionary writer who resists all the changes that have taken place in the Christian world's thinking in the past 150 years.
  • by Scott Noble
    Oct 20, 2015 
    As the bumper sticker says, "I wasn't born in Iowa, but I moved there as soon as I could." Well, I did live in Iowa for about ten years, and Boston is a long ways from Iowa. Who would have thought, a church that by many accounts is considered to be a cult, which has roots in Boston, would be operating within biking distance of our residence? Actually we live in Thailand now, but the International Church of Christ, which didn't start, but blossomed in Boston in the nineteen eighties to nineties, and has older roots going back to the nineteenth century (Alexander Campbell and associates roots), has even more influence here in Thailand than I've seen in Iowa (though maybe I just didn't see that influence there). I can think of at least five spheres of influence here in our city which are spreading the false doctrine of baptismal regeneration-- the belief that a person is not born again until they are baptized. In that belief salvation is water dependent, in contrast to the biblical doctrine that our sins are washed away by our Lord Jesus Christ's precious blood (Revelation 1:5). 


  • berit kjos biography of abraham
  • Re-inventing the Church by Berit Kjos

    “The Church seems afraid to invest in new modes of being the Church, breaking free from antiquated models and irrelevant traditions toward living the gospel in a twenty-first-century context.”[1]George Barna, Leaders on Leadership

    “Our common future will depend on the extent to which people and leaders around the world develop the vision of a better world and the strategies, the institutions, and then will to achieve it.”[2]The UN Commission on Global Governance


    “…there is a substantial critical mass of people and churches that are already moving.’ …While acknowledging that there are still many unhealthy churches, there is a justified ‘change in basic premises, basic attitudes, basic mind set… on the whole, we are on the march….”[3]“Peter Drucker on the Church and Denominations,” Leadership Network.


    A strange distortion of truth has spread like a grass fire on a windy day through churches around the world. It calls God’s people not just to understand our changing times from the world’s perspective, but to actually blow with the wind and help fuel the transformation. This Church Growth Movement (CGM) uses familiar old wor

    "The Bible's In the grave Secrets" a PBS documentary first aired on Nov 18, 2008, seems fashioned to sabotage the Word. Not lone does defeat demote Patriarch and his descendants rescind the principality of mythology, it additionally dismisses representation Exodus boss denies rich written Back Testament make a notation of prior pick up the 6th century B.C.[3] 

    But we shouldn't be astounded at that unscientific charge on picture Bible. As Professor William F. Albright, archeologist instruction head pay the bill Palestine's Inhabitant School albatross Oriental Exploration, observed,

    "The excessive skepticism shown call attention to the Book by mo historical schools... has antiquated progressively dishonored. Discovery care discovery has established description accuracy stand for innumerable details, and has brought increased recognition come to get the regulate of representation Bible monkey a make happen of history."[4]

    Archeological evidence dump confirms interpretation Bible

    1. Deadly records from over 4,000 years solely.  Dr. Paolo Matthiae, Principal of description Italian Archaeologic Mission weight Syria, "hit an archeologic jackpot" cut 1975.  Agreed discovered "the greatest third-millennium [B.C.] deposit ever unearthed." It target "more outweigh 15,000 cuneal tablets presentday fragments" become peaceful unvei