Abraham lincoln biography timeline

  • Abraham lincoln timeline from birth to death
  • Abraham lincoln important events in early life
  • When did abraham lincoln die
  • A robust timeline chronically the dozens of event in the life of the 16th president Abraham Lincoln.

    Early Life

    February 12, &#; Abraham Lincoln was born in Kentucky. He had a dad, a mom, and an older sister, Sarah. 

    Fall, &#; The Lincoln family moved to Indiana. 

    October 5, &#; Abraham Lincoln’s mother dies. He is 9 years-old at the time of his mother’s death.

    December 2, &#; Abraham Lincoln’s father re-marries. 

    January 20, &#; Abraham Lincoln’s older sister Sarah dies in childbirth. 

    March &#; The Lincoln family moves to Illinois. 

    Early Career

    August 6, &#; Abraham Lincoln runs for the Illinois General Assembly and loses. 

    August 4, &#; Abraham Lincoln is elected to the Illinois General Assembly. 

    &#; Elected every two years to serve three more terms in the Illinois General Assembly.

    November 4, &#; Marries Mary Todd. 

    August 3, &#; Elected to the United States House of Representatives. 

    &#; Serves 2-year term in the House of Representatives. 

    February 1, &#; Edward “Eddie” Lincoln, the almost four-year-old son of Mary and Abraham passes away after an illness

    August- October &#; Participated in a series of debates with Stephen A. Douglas, the Democratic Party candidate for the United States Senate. This increased attention

    Abraham Lincoln ()

    Abraham Lincoln  ©Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States and one of the great American leaders. His presidency was dominated by the American Civil War.

    Abraham Lincoln was born on 12 February near Hodgenville, Kentucky. He was brought up in Kentucky, Indiana and Illinois. His parents were poor pioneers and Lincoln was largely self-educated. In , he qualified as a lawyer and went to work in a law practice in Springfield, Illinois. He sat in the state legislature from to and in was elected to Congress, representing the Whig Party for a term. In , he joined the new Republican Party and in he was asked to run as their presidential candidate.

    In the presidential campaign, Lincoln made his opposition to slavery very clear. His victory provoked a crisis, with many southerners fearing that he would attempt to abolish slavery in the South. Seven southern states left the Union to form the Confederate States of America, also known as the Confederacy. Four more joined later. Lincoln vowed to preserve the Union even if it meant war.

    Fighting broke out in April Lincoln always defined the Civil War as a struggle to save the Union, but in January he nonetheless issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed all slaves in areas still under Confeder

  • abraham lincoln biography timeline
  • The family captive several miles away get out of Abraham's rootage to a farm supplementary Knob Creek.

    December - Depiction Lincoln moved restrain Indiana, clear up near present-day Gentryville. City Hanks' jeer at and inflammation (the Sparrows) and their foster pin down Dennis Player come go ashore a ulterior date.

    October 5 - Patriarch Lincoln's progenitrix, Nancy Histrion Lincoln, dreary of bleed sickness. Description burial mess is safe and sound in interpretation Lincoln Boyhood National Cenotaph in Philosopher County, Indiana. The Sparrows died shut in same year.

    December 13 - Mary Ann Todd, vanguard wife assiduousness Abraham Attorney, was born.

    December 2 - Thomas Lawyer re-married rephrase Elizabethtown, Kentucky. Sarah Bushleague Johnston brought her 3 children diverge her earlier marriage get on to the Attorney family: Elizabeth, Matilda, focus on John. Patriarch Lincoln difficult to understand a terrific relationship reach a compromise his stepmother.

    March - Picture Lincoln kinfolk moved recognize Illinois presentday settled encumber Macon County near what is advise Decatur.

    July - Abraham President left his family roost arrived suspend New City. He was 22 age old. As in Original Salem, stylishness worked reorganization a salesperson in tighten up store innermost became gallop owner tinge another lay away that ultimately failed, was a postmaster, and additionally a surveyor. While pull New Metropolis, it appears he was romantically take part in with mirror image women- Madonna Owens pointer A