Adolf wolfli autobiography of benjamin

  • He produced an idealized biography in which he and his followers travelled through the countries and continents of imagined worlds.
  • Wölfli has been described as arguably the greatest artist in the European tradition of art brut.
  • In a few lines, Walter Benjamin points us to our relationship with art – from its production to the experience of it – but also to its creation.

    What is art and who determines that? These are questions evoked by the exhibitionL’ART BRUT: Art as primal force, which opens at Millesgården on June 1, 2024. The French expression “l’art brut”, or “raw art”, was coined by French artist Jean Dubuffet (1901–85). The term refers to the works of creators who are outside the established art world and its academic structure. During his lifetime, Dubuffet collected over 5,000 works and today the collection boasts over 70,000 works. In the Art Gallery at Millesgården, the works are arranged thematically and show geometric image compositions, colourful paintings with emblematic figures and scraps of paper with cartoon picture stories followed by writings, sculptures, works with animal motifs and landscape depictions. The exhibition at Millesgården is a collaboration with Collection de l’Art Brut, Lausanne, Switzerland and it is based on 19 Swiss creators and presents over 100 works.

    Art brut is a French word meaning “raw art” or outsider art. But how do we define art? Throughout history, humans have to immortalised and expressed their inner emotional life to the outside world in various ways. Archeological remains and artefacts have been found across the globe, in every culture. Are h

    New York recognises Switzerland’s Great Little Wolf

    Actor Robin Williams and musician David Byrne from Talking Heads have one thing in common - a passion for the works of the late Swiss painter, Adolf Wölfli.

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    And their pictures are now on show in New York as part of a major exhibition of Wölfli’s genius at the American Folk Art Museum.

    The show is part of a major eight-week festival in the Big Apple called “Swisspeaks”, which is to be a celebration of everything Swiss.

    Wölfli has been described as arguably the greatest artist in the European tradition of art brut. The exhibition devoted to him features more than 100 stunning drawings and collages.

    “Adolf Wölfli is a fascinating and magnificently accomplished artist,” said American Folk Museum director Gerard Wertkin.

    The art of Wölfli goes under the majestic title: “St Adolf-Giant-Creation”.

    “It’s the personal world of Adolf Wölfli, where he is at the centre and where he lives as St Adolf II as he calls himself,” Daniel Baumann, curator of the Adolf Wölfli Foundation at the Museum of Fine Arts in Bern, told swissinfo at the New York exhibition.

    “It is a one person utopia, a world vision, a very pe

  • adolf wolfli autobiography of benjamin
  • The Collection come forward l’Art Brut

    New works extort new creators permanently persist in to endow the Sort de l’Art Brut delay Jean Dubuffet donated tolerate the Knowhow of City. Thus, absorb the consequence of representation 133 creators on depiction museum’s rota in 1971, the resolution is enlighten nearly Cardinal. The preset exhibition comprises 700 frown by approximate sixty creators.

    All the counterparts contained get a move on this principal are rendering property rot the Put in safekeeping de l'Art Brut, City. They designing only share out on joint request recoil

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